FACE-APP 顯是你的Folding score F@H


What it is:
F@H Protein Researcher tracks user statistics for the Folding@Home distributed computing project. It includes team pages/walls, a profile box with your individual statistics, and ranked standings.
Folding@Home is a computer program designed to aid scientists in medical research by distributing computationally-intensive tasks to home desktops all over the world. Specifically, the Stanford University developers' goal is "to understand protein folding, misfolding, and related diseases," and has made progress in understanding diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's disease, and Parkinson's disease.
Biology primer:
In a nutshell, your body constantly produces proteins, which are very large, complex molecules that can serve a variety of biological functions. Proteins are constructed as a chain of smaller building blocks (amino acids). As they are created, they "fold" into a certain arrangement that renders them functional. But when proteins don't fold properly, this can have severe implications and cause serious diseases.
How you can help:
Visit http://folding.stanford.edu/ to download the installer. The software is free, and runs in the background as "low priority," so it will not cause your computer to slow down while you use it. F@H software is also available on Sony's PlayStation 3 video game console.
Provide the user name you use for F@H on the Account Info page. Everyone who is new is encouraged to join the Facebook Team (#83661) so we can track the collective status of our progress. Your user statistics can be displayed on your profile page.


【情報】Folding@HOME Taiwan Team 台灣最強團隊

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